It can be very challenging to feel good while you are at work or in an office. Here are just a few tips and ideas to help you feel better while you are working hard 💪💖
Prepare a meal and snack for yourself at home to take to work. Perhaps pay your kids, siblings, or a friend to make you healthy snacks and meals to take to work.
Include others (bring healthy snacks, try a healthy restaurant, exchange recipes).
On days you think it might be challenging to take a break or you will be constantly on the go, make yourself a biiigg smoothie full of fruits, veggies, protein, and healthy fat. This is a great way to still have a nutritious meal while you are working hard. 💚
Take time before, after, or in between to move your body. Don't feel stressed to have a super crazy workout. There are nice but also sculpting exercises like yoga and Pilates. Lots of workouts like this can be found on YouTube. Two of my favorites are Move with Nicole and Sjana Elise, but there are plenty more out there to try! Another option is to find 15 or 20 minutes to do a quick workout. There are plenty of short but intense workouts out there on YouTube as well!
Ride your bike to/from work or during break.
Include others (take a walk with someone during a break or after work, plan a gym day together, invest in standing desks) 🤸
"In fact, whether we are feeling happy or unhappy at any given moment often has very little to do with out absolute conditions but, rather, it is a function of how we perceive our situation, how satisfied we are with what we have." - The Art of Happiness
Listen to podcasts, especially ones that make you feel better. Some of my favorites are The Health Code, The Health Code Daily, The #WHODIS? Podcast, On Purpose. But again, there are soo many out there!
Listen to good music. Have a playlist that helps put you in a good mood, I know that I have many! 🎶
Notice the negative thoughts and change them. Take note of your self talk. Are you putting yourself down or are you encouraging yourself?
Instead of judging your life's balance day to day, look at it one a grander scale. Was there balance in your week? Don't stress to have a perfectly balanced day or perfection. Some days you will have more time to do the things you most enjoy while others will require more hard work. Keep in mind that what balance means for you is always changing.
Try to spend time outdoors or by a window when possible.🌿
Take moments to meditate, refocus, and breath. Take moments for deep breaths. Ten seconds in. Ten seconds out.
Be kind to others. Giving compliments, smiling, saying hi, and sharing are all things that will not only make other people feel better, but will also leave you feeling a sense of connectedness, compassion, and gratitude. I challenge you to compliment one person this week. For bonus points, compliment a stranger or someone you don't talk to often.
Bring a good book to read during your breaks.
Be kind to yourself. 💗
I would love to see what you all are doing to stay healthy at work. Feel free to post a picture and tag me! 😊 @naturallynyla